Consortia activities
PADC contributes to the activities of the consortia defining the interoperability standards in astronomy: IVOA, IPDA, IHDEA, IAU, and VAMDC, as well as RDA and, at national level, ASOV
International Virtual Observatory Alliance
B. Cecconi (current chair of Semantics WG, former chair & co-chair of Solar System Interest Group)
F. Le Petit (former French representative at exec; former chair of Theory Interest Group)
P. Le Sidaner (chair of Apps WG, former chair & co-chair of Registry WG)
R. Savale (chair of Registry WG)
M. Servillat (co-chair of Data Model WG)
C. M. Zwölf (former co-chair of Semantics WG)
PADC personnel attend the IVOA Interop meetings twice a year to discuss the evolution of standards and science cases in the Virtual Observatory. Such communications are informal and are not included in our publication list.
International Planetary Data Alliance
B. Cecconi (Current co-chair of IPDA, representative of CNES in steering committee)
S. Erard (representative of Europlanet Society in steering committee)
P. Le Sidaner (Technical Expert Group member, IVOA contact)
C. Chauvin (Technical Expert Group member)
IPDA meets once a year and has regular telecons, to discuss the evolution of planetary data access modes between space agencies.
International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance
B. Cecconi (ObsParis / PADC representative)
The Observatory of Paris is a founding member of IHDEA.
IHDEA encourages the use of common standards and services in order to enable sharing of data and to enhance science in this field.
C. M. Zwölf (co-chair of GEDE - Group of European Data Experts; co-chair of
Federated Identity Management Interest Group)
EOSC Association
B. Cecconi (representative of the Observatory of Paris)
The Observatory of Paris is a full member of EOSC Association.
European Space Agency’s Planetary Science Archive user group
B. Cecconi (former PSA user group member, 2013-2016)
S. Erard (former PSA user group member, 2002-2005)
European Space Agency’s Heliophysics Archive User Group
B. Cecconi (current member of the HAUG)
IAU Division B: Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
M.-L. Dubernet (Vice-President of commission B5)
M.-L. Dubernet (former chair Board of Directors, < 2022)
C. M. Zwölf (former Executive director, < 2022)
N. Moreau (co-chair of Science & Technical board)
Action Spécifique Observatoire Virtuel
F. Le Petit (former chair of Science Council ASOV)