Stars and Distant Universe
Stars and Distant Universe
This theme is dedicated to observational data access (images, spectra, light-curves, catalogs) covering stellar and extragalactic objects. Different tools for data access through VO protocols and web portals with visualisation features are developed and made available for other projects.
Main services (part of the Actions Nationales d’Observation of CNRS-INSU):
- GAIA-TAP (ANO4): VO access to the GAIA eDR3 catalogue, more information on this page
- Seismic Plus (ANO5): Stellar seismic indices from different missions and instruments, accessible through a portal
- ALMA-ARTEMIX (ANO3, ALMA Regional Center): online visualization tools for ALMA data with the Distributed Quick Look Viewer Yafits
- CTA Data (ANO2: preparation to CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array): prototype of a VO access portal, and VO access to the H.E.S.S. first public data release (see also this page)
- CTA-PHP (ANO2: preparation to CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array): development of a Proposal Handling Platform (PHP) for CTA, see a prototype here
- SKATE (ANO2: advances for SKA, LOFAR, NenuFAR)
Other services or developments:
- NAROO (New Astrometric Reduction of Old Observations): website
- CompOSE (CompStar Online Supernovæ Equations of State): online service
In addition, access to several databases of fixed objects is possible through a single interface:
- Obscore portal at PADC